‘Hopelessly misguided’: Australian government criticised over ‘very poor policy’

‘Hopelessly misguided’: Australian government criticised over ‘very poor policy’

Executive Council of Australian Jewry Alex Ryvchin says the Australian government calling for the recognition of a Palestinian state while Hamas still holds hostages is “hopelessly misguided”. “The Labor Party has for a long time toyed with this notion of unilaterally recognising a Palestinian state,” he told Sky News host Danica De Giorgio. “We for our part have made it abundantly clear to the Foreign Minister, to the Prime Minister, and in the public domain that we think it’s very poor policy. “The fact that at a time when 134 Israelis remain captive in the most horrendous, terrifying circumstances imaginable, where the war continues to rage, where Hamas remains a factor in the Middle East – to be talking about long-term political solutions. “To be talking about a two-state solution and recognising Palestine, it seems hopelessly misguided.” Credit to : Sky News Australia